Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary Gashapons

Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary Gashapons

Quality - ♥♥♥♥
Appearance - ♥♥♥♥♥
Packaging - ♥♥♥♥♥
Art - ♥♥♥♥♥
Functionality - ♥♥♥♥♥
Fun - ♥♥♥♥♥
Cost - ♥♥♥♥
Availability - ♥♥♥

I'm BACK and that means it's time for a review!! .. Right? At least, I THINK it is? *blows the dust off the place* Whew! *coughcough* It's been long overdue, but let's jump right in and have some fun, huh? You'll notice something NEW with the Moonie Review! The video above shows the actual items I'm referring to, but in a "fun" sort of way. (note the use of air quotes) If it isn't your thing, mute the sucker and watch on! Otherwise, just go ahead and read below for my official review!

Quality - Quality.. we expect so much from Japan, being that the anime COMES from there. But sometimes, they can be disappointing. I think we put their items on such a high pedestal that we often forget they are only human. That being said, the quality for the most part of their gashapon items is beyond compare. The mold is as always adorable and the paint job is spot on! And then sometimes we get Sailor Mars there. Who has seen better days and looks like a cast reject. Are ALL of these like this? No. But you have to basically accept that you're going to at least get ONE in your day. I generally just assume one in every batch is going to be a misfire.

Appearance - These items are quite cute to look at and even cuter to display! Many ♥'s all around!

Packaging - Ok, so they are capsule toys. So that's what you're going to get.. capsules. Some companies to save on shipping will ship them in their plastic and be done with it. But in my experiences places like HLJ and JList like to ship them in their capsule goodness. To which, is SO much fun to play with anyway. Every opening of those egg or round shape bubbles brings back the momentary joys of childhood! .. Right before mom threw the $.25 toy away!! THANKS MOM!

Art - *Ahem* The artwork on these pieces are generally VERY well done. Especially on their pamphlets. It's beyond adorable (per usual) and definitely something you'll want to keep on hand. Personally, I like to keep them in hopes of some day framing all of them in a GIANT frame, because the art on a few of these truly is beautiful.

Functionality - Function .. what does it even mean .. function .. do we all have a function? .. *ponder* Ok, enough of that thinking crap .. it's function is to look cute or pretty .. and it does a da** fine job of it too!

Fun - OMGosh, these toys can be WAY too much fun for a middle aged ad- *cough*, for all ages! I've caught myself many times picking up the keychain people and playing with them. Often bringing out the laughter of the Amazon Quartet and the face palming of Mamo-Chan. There is much fun to be had with these .. much fun indeed..

Cost - The cost of these really do vary depending on where you go. Personally, I wouldn't advise going on eBay for fear of bootlegs out there. And yes, they're doing it ALREADY. If you want to get these, go with a reputable or trusted dealer. (I can only imagine a person in a trench now with keychains on the inside of the coat, opening it up at a convention whispering "PSST .. PSST .. wanna buy some "Sailor Moon" capsule toys?" .. *face palm*)

Availability - You can find these almost anywhere when they're released. Amazon, eBay.. but your best source is to get them from places like; AmiAmi, CDJapan, HLJ, Jlist or even Big Pfeiffer or Big in Japan even. Sometimes you can use deputy services like FromJapan or higher priced places like YesAsia. Bottom line is, if it's out there, you can generally find it. But the earlier you get a jump on the preorder, the better off you are.

If it's fun in the bath or dressing up your office to maximum geekery, then these capsule toys are the shiznit! From looking classy and pretty to ho-tastic in stance, you can position these toys almost any way you want for maximum giggles in the office or have them pristine-ly displayed to be all the envy of your co-workers. Any way you look at it, capsule toys have been fun since we were kids and my friends, nothing has changed. SO .. enjoy!!

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