Monday, June 25, 2012

Sailor Moon Group Towel

Sailor Moon Group Towel

Quality - ♥♥♥♥
Appearance - ♥♥♥♥♥
Packaging - ♥♥♥♥♥
Art - ♥♥♥♥♥
Functionality - ♥♥♥♥
Fun - ♥♥♥♥♥
Cost - ♥♥♥♥
Availability - ♥♥♥

So it's Monday again and today we're taking a look at the Sailor Moon Group Towel that was released by GE Animation in June of 2012.

Quality - The quality of this towel is about the same as any other character towel you might find at your local department store. It's thin, but some-what soft. The printing on it is much better than most of the cheaper character towels however, with it being dyed instead of screen printed. Which leaves the towel soft all over, instead of spotty.

Appearance - Looking at this towel, you'd think it was rather small. When in fact, the towel is about standard beach towel size! As you can see in the upper left corner, I have placed a business card there, so you can see the scale of the towel! It's very nice, with all the inner senshi and Sailor Moon of course, giving off a nice smile. This towel is all in pink though, so we'll have to do without any real color combinations. Which is likely why this towel is much softer than most of the other character towels out there.

Packaging - The packaging is pretty standard, with the plastic bag around it. It's pinned together with those plastic fasteners to a hook for retailers to hang when they arrive. Please keep in mind, that this can cause tearing, so be careful when selecting your towel from the store.

Art - The artwork for the towel is very tasteful. With all the inner senshi striking a modest pose and offering a welcoming smile. Almost makes you feel bad that you have to possibly sit on it, doesn't it? With the nice logo at the bottom, it's hard to miss what this towel is from.

Functionality - While this is a towel, don't mistake this for any high quality towels you might find at Bed, Bath and Beyond. This is basically a kids standard character towel, which means it'll dry you off the first time around, but after that, it's going to need a towel to dry ITself off.

Fun - Drying off with Sailor Moon and her Senshi is way too much fun. Especially when you can take her to the beach to show everyone your Moonie love.

Cost - This ranges from $14.99 to $24.99, depending on where you go.

Availability - As of this moment, there are few places to find this little gem. You can find it on eBay, Amazon and some select online Anime stores. But you really have to search around for them.

So in a nutshell, we have an awesome Sailor Moon towel that you can take to the beach or pool and show off your Moonie pride. Although it's probably not the BEST towel on the planet, it's certainly without a doubt the COOLEST. So sport your towel with pride as you walk down the beach and be sure to strike a pose for the paparazzi that are sure to arrive.

Sailor Moon Chan Says!

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