Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Sailor Moon Buttons

 Sailor Moon Buttons

Quality - ♥♥♥
Appearance - ♥♥♥♥♥
Packaging - ♥♥♥♥
Art - ♥♥♥♥♥
Functionality - ♥♥♥♥
Fun - ♥♥♥♥♥
Cost - ♥♥♥♥
Availability - ♥♥♥

So it's Wednesday already and today we're going to take a bit of a fun and laid back approach, looking at the Sailor Moon buttons that were released throughout late 2011 and early 2012, continuing on with different variations through even today.
Quality - The quality of these buttons aren't the greatest. For one, the backing is plastic. Call me old fashioned, but when I was growing up, the backs were metal! Though I bought these initially to pin to my purses to display my Moonie pride, unfortunately, I'm too afraid to put it on there! It just feels cheap, with a plastic back and what could only be described as a safety pin on there. The front however is very nicely done, except for not being centered. While I know this can be a difficult task when making these (anyone remember those button making things from the 80's?), some of the buttons I have are just plain WAY off center.   

Appearance - While looking at these buttons, the image on there is very clear. It's bright and cheery and each button has it's own charm. While these also come in a slight variance of sizes (regular or large), it makes it easy to really stand out. Except if you work at TGIFridays of course. ^_^; 

Packaging - Once again, at least they put this through a thin cardboard backing. And for the most part, they're very well placed to display. However, I've seen some buttons where if you wore it, people would have to lay down to see it better. Still, with a simple pink backing with the newer logo and that blue top, it's decent.

Art - The artwork for some of these pins are wonderful! Some seem a bit lazy and forced, but overall these pins have some very nice work on them! My only quarrel with them, is once again, they managed to put "Sailor Moon" on the bottom of each of the senshi, instead of THEIR names. So be ready to answer the question "so, are they ALL called "Sailor Moon"?" yet again .. *rubs her temples*

Functionality - Functionally speaking, I did manage to take some out and play around with them to see how they managed. I'm still nervous about them, but, they do the job. They're a BUTTON.. and thus, their object is to BUTTON to something. So I guess I really can't complain too much.

Fun - These buttons are a load of fun! Especially if you have that canvas purse/bag laying around, that you have NO idea what to do with and has been sitting in the closet for what seems like forever for that idea to spark .. You can just put a TON of these on there and really call some attention!

Cost - I've seen these going for anywhere between $.75 to $7.50, depending on where you get it from. But it seems to be the average IN stores is about $2.00 to $2.50.

Availability - While you can find these at almost any Anime store or an FYE, your best bet to find a deal is either Amazon or eBay. Just keep in mind the price variance and shipping. 

So with our laid back review on the Sailor Moon Buttons, the overall feeling on them is a thumbs up. You can put them almost anywhere and really have a good time playing around with them. They come in a BUNCH of different characters and designs for you to choose from as well. From discreet sorts of buttons with the Sailor Moon bow to obvious character pictures. 
So decorate your hat, purse, shirt, lanyard, backpack, satchel, jacket, hoodie, bed .. ok, maybe not your bed .. anyway you like to show off your Moonie pride! 

 Sailor Moon Chan Says!

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